Clear Browsing History Fast

Here are a collection of short and sharp tutorials that will help you delete your browsing history as quickly as possible.

Quick Search

On A Desktop

We show you how to delete your browsing history on a desktop computer. Depending on the browser you are using the instructions will vary, so we explain how to do it on all of them.

On A Mobile Device

Mobile devices vary, and not everyone uses the four mainstream mobile browsers. So we show you how to delete your history on your specific device regardless of which one you like to use.

On A Tablet

You'll find out how to delete your browsing history on a tablet, and we'll show you how to do it, whether it's an iPad, an Android device, or a Kindle Fire.

On A Smart TV

Our guides shows you how to delete your previous searches and watch history when you've used Netflix, Youtube, default browsers on your Smart TV.